Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) continues to be one of the most important pig diseases. Since 2006 when PCV-2 vaccines first became available the control of PCV-2 has been nothing less than remarkable even as the virus has been...
Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis, is the bacterial cause of fibrinous polyserositis that we refer to as Glässer's disease. This common bacteria is normally an early colonizer of the nasal cavity in piglets. Piglets are initially colonized with the strains that...
Reuters writer Karl Plume reported this week that, “U.S. soybean exports jumped last week to a six-month peak, while corn shipments were the highest in a month as Louisiana Gulf Coast terminals steadily ramped up operations disrupted nearly a...
An Indiana judge has answered the age-old question…is a taco a sandwich? The answer, at least under Indiana zoning law, is YES.
A landowner in Fort Wayne, Indiana wanted to develop his property. He sought a rezoning from R1 (single...
Swine inflammation and necrosis syndrome (SINS) can appear in pigs in several parts of the body simultaneously. Newborns, suckling piglets and older pigs can be affected. This condition may be perceived as a welfare issue because skin lesions tend...
By Dennis Smith
Friday, April 8, 2022
Upside breakout? After trading lower all night the corn market, May corn, looks poised to challenge key resistance defined as a close over 760. May bean oil is attempting to break out of a possible...
As someone who has worked closely with livestock for decades, I’ve seen firsthand how simple, thoughtful interventions can make a big difference in animal welfare and productivity. Environmental enrichment is one of those tools that, when applied effectively, not...
In the realm of pig farming, maximizing genetic potential is a constant pursuit. Despite common perceptions that pigs are the “easy part” compared to human challenges, the reality is that ensuring optimal conditions for pigs involves overcoming various hurdles....
Land Investment Companies – What are they?
We recently had a tract of farmland in my county that was sold to a land investment company. The selling price was over $12,000 per acre–outbidding any local farmer. I took a step...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
U.S. slaughter last week 2,551,000; a year ago 2,694,000. That’s 5.5% less.
U.S. Iowa – S. Minnesota slaughter weights are 2 lbs. higher year over year.
Certainly, appears to us less hogs around. The USDA...