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Under new guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, medically important antibiotics will require veterinary oversight beginning June 11, 2023. Courtesy: Canva On June 11, 2023, the next step in the effort to curtail antimicrobial resistance will come from...
In 2018, the voters of California supported Proposition 12 as an animal welfare measure that would ban the sale of pork in their state harvested from animals housed in pens smaller than 24 square feet. Prop 12 went into effect on Jan....
Monday December 4, 2023 GRAINS: The wide-eyed weather bulls are getting their butts kicked this morning. Soybeans have penetrated support. There is rain in N. Brazil. The crop will still be shaved down over time, but they will have a crop, a very good crop. I contend that...
Written collaboratively by Ryan Samuel; Prakash Poudel; Crystal Levesque, SDSU Associate Professor-Swine Nutrition; and Benoit St. Pierre, SDSU Assistant Professor. Weaned pigs have an immature gut and microbiome, which can impact digestion and absorption of nutrients. Digestive enzyme activities are...
Schweinshaxe or Pork Knuckle, Served at a Traditional Bavarian Restaurant. Photo by author. In North America, pork is a staple meat in many households, but few have heard of the culinary delight that is pork knuckle. This German dish, also...
In the vast majority of pig farms, breeding boars are nowhere to be found. So how can sows be pregnant with no board around? The majority of sows in the U.S. are bred using a technique called Artificial Insemination,...
Source: Wisconsin State Farmer The FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) plan for supporting veterinary antimicrobial stewardship will be fully implemented in 2023 when all remaining over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotics are switched to prescription-only status. The medically important antibiotics (used by humans...
2021 China Hog Market Key Statistics Hog Stock: According to official data, China has 449.22 million hogs at year end 2021, up 10.5% from prior year. It is noticeable that current hog stock level has already exceeded that of the...
Highlights: World Pork Expo 2021 and Pre-WPX event in Des Moines Live hog price in China reaches a new low at RMB 15/kg, down nearly 60% this year Cash hog price has not bottomed out amid strong hog recovery...
On July 1st, 2023, California’s Proposition 12, which sets production standards for pork sold in California, officially came into effect. This animal welfare law requires that all uncooked pork sold in California comes from the offspring of sows that are...
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