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In this episode of SwineTime, host Dr. Spencer Wayne dives into critical health issues and their impact on industry relations and trade with guests Terry Wolters, VP of Customer & Industry Relations with PIPESTONE, and Dr. Joel Nerem, a...
Luke and Mike update us on what is moving the grain markets along with an update after NPIC.
About the Guest Erin Brenneman is a passionate advocate for agriculture and a dedicated farmer. Raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Erin’s journey to the farming world began with her love for animals, sparked by horseback riding lessons during her...
Determination of Available and Digestible Phosphorus Release of Microtech Phytase in Nursery Pig Diets Ron Aldwin Navales 2024 Midwest ASAS Meeting
In this two-part mini-series, we will investigate both swine bone mineralization and calcium and phosphorus requirements for gestating and lactating sows. Focusing on the prior for this episode, we will be highlighting research conducted by Dr. Jordan Gebhardt of...
After a good cash run the cutout needs to keep up. This summer we still lack that spark in the front end fundamentals. Listen in to Luke and Mike discuss the hog and grain markets before the holiday.
NE Pork Expo July 17th in York... A-FAN's Kris Bousquet talks about the featured presentation on gene editing in pork production...
What can you expect to learn from this episode of Popular Pig? New World Pork Expo Format: How the two-day format affected attendance and engagement. Adoption of Innovations: The challenges of introducing new technologies in the swine industry. Labor...
former director on the National Pork Board Gene Noem from Ames, IA on the Ag View platform and its importance to the pork industry....
In this episode of 'At the Meeting,' Dr. Joel Nerem, a seasoned swine veterinarian from PIPESTONE, addresses pivotal challenges in the swine industry. He discusses next-generation strategies for disease elimination, biosecurity, and the critical role of veterinarians in meeting...
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