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Nebraska Swine News

The NEW Education Director Hose De La Cruz on this week's program.....  
From the NE Pork Expo earlier this week in York, National Pork Board's Brett Kaysen on promoting pork and its producers in the future....
NE Pork Expo July 17th in York... A-FAN's Kris Bousquet talks about the featured presentation on gene editing in pork production...
former director on the National Pork Board Gene Noem from Ames, IA on the Ag View platform and its importance to the pork industry....
Steve Martin with A-FAN previews the NE Pork Expo set for July 17th in York...
Pork Industry Report Part 2 Steve Hoefer LRP
Pork Industry Report - Highlights of latest Hogs & Pigs Report - Nick Stress, USDA Stats
Anyone involved in the pork industry is invited to the Nebraska Pork Expo set for July 17 in York, Neb. The program will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Holthus Convention Center. Admission is free and lunch will...
Pork Industry Report, Jane Stone Utilizing Pork for Easter
Pork Industry Report - Russ Vering Talks World Pork EXPO
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