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Indiana Swine Commentaries

Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics “Anyone can raise hogs. But it takes a near Genius to make money doing it.” “Anyone can raise hogs. But it takes a near Genius to make money doing it.” -  The quote attributed to...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last week Lean Hogs increased from $103.0₵ / lb. to $106.5₵ / lb. There appears to be a relentless ongoing price increase driven by tight supplies and good demand. Our Observations Weekly slaughter last week...
Seasonal infertility continues to be a widespread problem for sow herds across the US. And if you don’t have a problem with seasonal infertility, it may mean you are not recognizing it, reported Daniel Gascho, DVM, with the Four...
PRRS, the 4-letter abbreviation that should make any hog producer shutter. The extensive disease pressure this year has likely caused this feeling more than once. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease resulting in complications with...
The Issue: With the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, many consumers experienced, for the first time in their lifetimes, empty grocery store shelves. More than a year into the pandemic, they are facing another unfamiliar trend when it...
Michael Schwirtz, Andrew E. Kramer and Michael Levenson reported on the front page of Sunday’s New York Times that, “President Vladimir V. Putin warned on Saturday that crippling economic sanctions imposed by the West were ‘akin to a declaration...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics   USDA December 1 Hogs and Pigs Report (1,000 head) December 1 2019 2020 2020 as percent of 2019 Kept for Breeding 6,471 6,276 97 Market 71,757 71,226 99 Market Hogs and Pigs by weight groups Under 50 pounds 22,048 21,739 99 50-119 pounds 20,648 20,260 98 120-179 pounds 15,256 15,246 100 180 pounds and over 13,816 13,980 101 Fig Crop 71,829 71,030 99 Dec 2019-Nov2020 (12-Months) (1,000 head) Sows...
State and federal courts have long held that a constitutional taking may occur from government-induced flooding. The Indiana Supreme Court recently handed down a unanimous decision explaining how courts should analyze permanent and temporary takings by flood waters. This...
Shenzhen Kingsino Technology Company Limited (002548.SZ)  announced last night that Mr. Liu Feng resigned as Chairman, Board Member, Chairman of the  Strategic Committee, and all positions in Kingsino subsidiaries, effective immediately. Dr. Chen Junhai, Kingsino founder and long-time Chairman...
U.S. farm equity in 2022 is 27.7% higher than it was in 2017 and 42.7% higher than it was in 2012.  During the last 10 years, net farm income was above the long-run average (i.e., average from 2007 to...
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