• Average daily gain and feed efficiency in diseased pigs may be improved by a combination of functional amino acids supplemented above requirements for growth
• Functional amino acids improved the immune response associated with Salmonella infection
• Bacterial shedding and...
Customers gain premium nutrition solutions, global expertise and unmatched service
ADM (NYSE: ADM), a global leader in animal nutrition, today announced the launch of its Wisium premix and nutrition services brand into eastern Canada. The Wisium portfolio offers producers access...
The most remarkable market trends this week are rather...unremarkable. Both Vitamin E50 and Vitamin D3 500 have shown stability with a slow gradual decrease in price. While demand for food grade Vitamin D continues to increase following claims that...
A sow's performance during lactation is pre-determined by her genotype. Large, late-maturing animals are traditionally better milkers. In sows, milk yield is determined by litter size. Recently, it has been suggested that sows could compete with high-producing dairy cows...
Feed costs are the largest expense in raising pigs today, so carefully analyzing every opportunity to get the most out of every ration at every stage in a pig’s life is key to profitability.
Tri-M Farms, owned and operated by...
Farmscape for October 26, 2020
Full Interview 9:55
By focussing on the nutritional needs of the individual sow, pork producers can reduce costs while maintaining optimum performance.
Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium 2020, hosted by Sask Pork, will be held virtually...
Source: USDA news release
To view the complete report, click here.
The October 2020 Feed Outlook report contains estimates for 2019/20, and projections for the 2020/21 U.S. and global feed markets, based on the most current World Agricultural Supply and Demand...
Farmscape for October 16, 2020
Full Interview 12:53
Research conducted by the University of Saskatchewan shows including low cost high fibre feed ingredients in swine rations can reduce the volume of greenhouse gas output attributed to pork production. Researchers...
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Hog and poultry operations save money by cutting emergency deliveries, reducing the amount of leftover feed, and the vacuuming and landfill charges...
Get in the “Swineweb” with Glowlit. This Feed Additive service allows you to Negotiate your feed additive purchase with confidence Compare your price quotes to thousands of verified purchases from your region.
Question (Jim Eadie from Swineweb.com):
Tell me what Pork Producers...