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Steady production growth and weaker consumption continue to weigh on global pork markets and trade. Improved health and productivity are boosting production and feed prices have improved, though uncertainties remain. Meanwhile, pork consumers remain cautious amid geopolitical uncertainty. After facing...
The pig sector has again called for 'desperately-needed' price increases as production costs for producers rose even further last month. The average cost of production for pig producers reached 240p per kg in May, up 10p from the April figure...
 Key Points Ag retailers can still expect profitability in 2023 after setting records in 2022, but they face an emerging set of risks that could depress profit margins and challenge traditional business models in the years ahead. Setting the...
Despite ongoing impacts from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and lingering supply chain effects from the pandemic, the U.S. economy remains incredibly resilient. So resilient, in fact, that consumers’ seemingly unbreakable willingness to spend is vexing the Federal Reserve and...
Farmscape for July 18, 2022 Full Interview 8:05 Listen A Swine Health Information Center funded investigation has determined porcine morbillivirus presents an insignificant risk to the U.S. swine herd. The identification by the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab...
A better cost environment and resilient demand are supporting the outlook for global pork markets, but trade vulnerabilities and disease pressures remain risk factors. Global trade is facing challenges from geopolitical dynamics. China’s launch of an antidumping probe into EU...
Last quarter, our analysis of Crunchbase data shows 146 AgTech startups raised a total of $1.5B. This represents a 6% decrease in funding and a 42% decrease in deals from Q2 2023. There were seven AgTech exits last quarter,...
The average value of Canadian farmland continued its steady climb in 2023, increasing by 11.5 per cent, slightly less than the 12.8 per cent increase reported in 2022, according to the latest FCC Farmland Values Report.   “Farmland prices have continued...
This periodical update provides a market outlook for dairy, cattle, wheat, and other key commodities, and gives an overview of what developments to watch in the upcoming months in North America. - Economy: The recent banking turmoil has complicated monetary policy...
MU Extension workshops help families tackle succession planning. Successfully transitioning a family farming business to the next generation doesn’t happen overnight. University of Missouri Extension agricultural business specialist Wesley Tucker says it takes planning and “communication, communication, communication.” To help families start...
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