For centuries Pork has been enjoyed for its nutritional values, flavor, and taste. History shows pigs were domesticated by 5000 B.C. This is 7 millenniums of Pork consumption. Today, pork is the most desired and consumed meat in the world.
To Maximize nutrition, taste, and flavor; there are three heritage breeds that when combined produce the most succulent pork. The three heritage breeds are Duroc, Yorkshire, and Landrace.
Duroc breed was developed in New England around 1800; Yorkshires’ also known as English Large White were developed in Yorkshire England in the 1760s; Landrace was developed in Denmark in the late 1890s.
In the Red River Valley of the North American Prairies, all three heritage breeds have been combined by Genesus in cooperation with independent farmers to produce and perfect, what is best described, as the Ultimate Pork Experience.
The Genesus Duroc, Yorkshire, and Landrace purebred purity has been maintained by certification of the Animal Pedigree Act, a program authorized by the Federal Government in the 1890s. Generations upon generations of Genesus Pigs have had their linage certified. No other breeding program in the world has painstakingly worked to maintain such a certified purebred breed linage combined with the quest for the proper balance of nutrition, taste, and flavor. This multi-generational effort has led to the best-tasting pork in the world – The Ultimate Pork Experience –
To reach this pinnacle, Genesus has worked tirelessly, over the last three decades, using planned selection and data from continual pork meat analysis. Ultimate Pork is NON-GMO. For the last three decades, Genesus has done weekly carcass and meat quality analysis on registered heritage animals. These weekly tests measure pH, Minolta color, intramuscular fat, water-holding capacity, carcass composition, and primal weights.
Genesus heritage breeding stock data, gathered from weekly meat quality tests, is combined with Genesus’ 20-generation-deep performance database to produce meat quality Estimated Breeding Values. The Genesus breeding and selection team uses these Estimated Breeding Values to jointly select for performance and meat quality improvement.
Consumers want pork that has the Ultimate Taste and Flavor. To achieve this goal, the proper balance of marbling, juiciness, and color must be attained. The Ultimate Pork eating experience is savored by consumers; this better taste and juiciness leads to consumers wanting to eat more pork more often. Taste and flavor are the ultimate enhance of demand.
Many independent family farms produce the Ultimate Pork Experience. They have pride in producing the best tasty and nutritional pork. They are stewards of pig breeding and care deeply about raising pork in ethical and animal-friendly ways.
The utilization of Genesus progeny from certified heritage breeds continues the legacy of many generations of farmers who have the pride of producing natural and tasty pork. The Ultimate Pork Experience is a cultivation of many generations of cooperation between farmers and Genesus.