From the desk of Clint Schwab, Ph.D., President of Acuity

As of February 1st, Acuity has been acquired by Fast Genetics, a part of the
Sexing Technologies family of businesses. This asset transaction includes all components of the Acuity business.

Now the number one question we will get: Why? 

For over a decade, we have been working to create Acuity. We have said, “we are born from commercial production,” and that is whole-heartedly true. This endeavor was crafted based on a need for genetic solutions within the halls of The Maschhoffs and then offered outwardly just over a year and a half ago.

From that day forward, we have been working to provide genetic solutions that deliver value to our customers. We believe this acquisition is an opportunity to ensure we not only continue to deliver value, but to more importantly expand our ability to deliver that value. Plain and simple, we believe each of our customers will benefit from expanded resources.

We have spoken regularly about our approach and our intentions with Acuity. We believe value for the customer is far more than just the pig. It is the way we build that pig, the ideas that craft our understanding of its potential and the willingness to push into new territories that really brings Acuity value. At the core of what we do is developing and delivering genetic resources, and most importantly in a way that delivers real value that can be felt at the P&L.

In that way, we are positive the value we’re creating will maintain and grow.
Here’s how:

  1. Genetic focus. Our focus on a differentiated genetic offering doesn’t change.
  2. Commercial focus. We are still focused on creating a pig that works in a real, commercial setting. With this comes a long-term collaborative relationship with The Mashhoffs to continue our Commercial Test Herd.
  3. Technology focus. Advancing technology synergies accelerates exponentially through access to the family of ST companies, driving technology far beyond what we have today.

We believe we’ve built a baseline of success in a unique way. The opportunity to grow within the ST family only opens the doors to new value creators. This acquisition brings resources to dig deeper, think bigger and offer more. Something we know will be felt by our customers.

In closing

Our tagline is so much more than that. It is an inherent belief in how to do business and it is something our entire team believes in: Your success is our benchmark. We believe that your definition of value is unique to you and we plan to continue bringing value that matches your operation. To accomplish that goal, this business move was a beneficial necessity.

Your success IS our benchmark, and that will not change.

If you have specific questions, reach out to an Acuity team member.

We’re happy to share the how / why / when as we know them today.