2020 was another record year for Topigs Norsvin. The turnover rose by 16% to €191 million, and the operating result rose by 42% to €15.6 million. The increase in turnover was largely due to the success of the TN70 sow. Pig farmers worldwide are impressed by its robustness and unique combination of characteristics. The considerable demand for TN Tempo semen and semen from other terminal boar lines contributed to the rise in turnover too. There was a clear increase in the number of breeding animals exported to China, which is recovering from African swine fever.
Mark Tijssen, chair of the Supervisory Board of Topigs Norsvin: “Just like last year, we have achieved the best results ever. This demonstrates that our products clearly meet the market demand. It also underlines that Topigs Norsvin is a very strong and healthy organization that can robustly pull through uncertain times too.”
Villaume Kal, CEO of Topigs Norsvin, is proud of the results achieved: “In 2020, we managed to clearly increase our market share. This is a trend that has been visible for several years and which is also continuing in 2021. This year, we are also growing in all major pig-producing countries. The COVID-19 crisis has posed and still poses many challenges for everybody in our company. I am proud of how all colleagues worldwide are dealing with this and continue to be successful.’’