Four Pillars of Sow Robustness Part II: Nutrition and Sow Care | Dr. Steve Dritz

About the Guest

Dr. Dritz currently provides global technical support for PIC, the porcine division of Genus. PIC directly employs people in 18 countries worldwide and PIC products are available in more than 50 countries across the globe.

Previously, Dr. Dritz was a Professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University from 1995 until 2020.  He conducted on-farm research to characterize pig nutrient requirements and feeding management practices. Research projects included evaluating viral transmission through feed mills as well as mitigation and decontamination strategies and reducing the use of feed antimicrobials in swine production.

These areas all carry a common theme in that they involved field-based research leveraging an understanding of modern swine production systems and ability to use sophisticated experimental designs and analysis.  He has co-authored over 350 peer reviewed journal articles, 6 book chapters, and numerous other abstracts, extension reports and proceedings papers. Dr. Dritz advised 9 PhD and 2 MS graduate students as major professor and participated in training over 100 additional post graduate students.

Dr. Dritz received his D.V.M. degree in 1990 from the University of Minnesota and his Ph.D. in Swine Nutrition and Production in 1995 from Kansas State University.

Steve Dritz

What can you expect to learn from this episode of Popular Pig brought to you by SwineTech?

  • The critical role of nutrition in sow productivity and genetic progress.
  • The impact of sow body condition on health and reproductive success.
  • The influence of farm culture and workforce well-being on productivity.
  • Strategic nutrition management during economic challenges.
  • The multifactorial nature of sow care and its impact on overall farm success.
  • The importance of continuous improvement and innovation in the swine industry.