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Dr Chunyan Zhang, Geneticist, Genesus Inc. Meat is a major source of proteins that are necessary for human health. Consumers commonly freeze meat after purchasing it to manage household meat supply. Freezing meat also plays an essential role in prolonging...
Abstract: The importance of optimal body condition to maximize reproductive health and perinatal outcomes in pigs Overnutrition or undernutrition during all or part of the reproductive cycle predisposes sows to metabolic consequences and poor reproductive health which contributes to a...
Kerry Houlahan, PhD, Geneticist, Genesus Inc. A recent summary for the USA showed that from 1993 to 2022 litter size has increased 1.1%/year which equates to 3.15 pigs per litter or a 37.9% increase (Langemeier 2023). Increasing litter size...
Pharmacological levels of Zn (i.e., 2,000 to 3,000 mg/kg) is often included in diets for weanling pigs to prevent post-weaning diarrhea. However, pharmacological levels of Zn may reduce microbial phytase efficacy by chelating the phytate molecule, which subsequently prevents...
It is important that the digestibility of Ca in Ca sources is known to formulate diets based on values for digestible Ca rather than total Ca. Only a small amount of the Ca required by pigs is provided by...
Nelson, M. E., S. A. Lee, H. H. Stein. 2024. Effects of different protein sources in low-phosphorus diets on calculated basal endogenous loss of phosphorus by growing pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 310, 115927, Link to full text.
‡Introduction A common procedure for vaccine administration for pigs has been the needle-syringe device, with intramuscular administration. However, this method is considered to be potentially painful to animals 1,2. As a consequence of a painful vaccination process, the animals...
Abstract Morbidity and mortality of respiratory diseases are linked to airway obstruction by mucus but there are still no specific, safe, and effective drugs to correct this phenotype. The need for better treatment requires a new understanding of the basis...
Introduction Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo) is the primary agent involved in enzootic pneumonia (EP) and one of the leading agents involved in porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC). EP carries a highly significant economic burden as it reduces average daily weight gain,...
Abstract Morbidity and mortality of respiratory diseases are linked to airway obstruction by mucus but there are still no specific, safe, and effective drugs to correct this phenotype. The need for better treatment requires a new understanding of the basis...
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