Farmscape for November 25, 2022
Full Interview 7:58 | Listen ![]() |
A new cull sow slaughtering facility under development in Saskatchewan is expected to reduce shipping distances and costs for western Canadian pork producers while reducing the risk of the cross-border movement of swine disease. Donald’s Fine Foods, which operates three food processing plants in British Columbia and one in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, is in the final stages of converting the former XL beef plant in Moose Jaw into a cull sow slaughter plant. Donald’s Industry Relations Manager Neil Ketilson told those attending Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium 2022 last week the border has always been a concern, both in terms of possible countervail action or disease, such as the recent foreign animal disease investigation, triggered by Seneca Valley virus, that halted Manitoba cull sow exports for about a week.
Clip-Neil Ketilson-Donald’s Fine Foods:
There are about 50 thousand sows available in Alberta that are culls right now that need to go somewhere. Saskatchewan is very similar.
Manitoba is about 140 thousand but they would process about 50 thousand. So, there’s roughly about 180 thousand sows in western Canada right now that go into the united States for processing. Our expectation is that those sows would come to this plant as long as everything is right for them in terms of pricing and convenience and all those kinds of things, but our expectation is that it will. We anticipate that producers are going to deliver by whatever means they have available to them. A lot of those people might come direct. We’ll be able to accommodate semi loads and or smaller loads of cattle trailers, things like that. We also anticipate that a lot of the present brokers that have assembly yards, we want to talk to them and get their business as well. I think there will also be a number of people that are very creative and will work with their neighbors, work with other colonies, put loads together, or some young entrepreneur that wants to build a business of collecting these animals and bringing them to Moose Jaw, I think all those things will be available.
Ketilson says anyone who still doesn’t have a delivery option can contact the plant directly.
For more visit Farmscape.Ca. Bruce Cochrane.
*Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers