Indiana pork producers are helping keep supplies of pork steady for domestic consumption and for exports.
Indiana pork producers had 4.1 million hogs and pigs on farms on March 1. That was up 350,000 head from the same time a year ago.
The Indiana breeding herd was at 280,000 head, up 8 percent from a year ago. The market hog herd in Indiana on March 1 was at 3.82 million head, up 9 percent from a year ago.
However, farmers said they intend to have fewer sows farrowing over the summer months. June-August farrowing intentions were at 140,000 head, down 3 percent from a year ago.
March-May farrowing intentions, at 145,000 head, are up 11 percent from a year ago.
Litter numbers stayed steady, with little to no change in the pigs saved per litter, from 10.2 in 2016 to 10.25 for the same time this year.