New dimensions in the transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV).

Welcome back to the program, Dr. Scott Dee!

Today, we’re delving into groundbreaking research that has uncovered new dimensions in the transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). Here are the top 5 highlights from this significant study:

  1. New Knowledge Unveiled:
    • This research presents findings that have never been demonstrated before, adding a valuable layer to our understanding of PRRSV transmission.
  2. Identification of a New Risk Factor:
    • The study provides concrete evidence on a previously unidentified risk factor for the transmission of PRRSV, offering a fresh perspective on how this virus operates.
  3. Dual Phases for Robust Outcomes:
    • The paper stands out by detailing both a field phase and an experimental (bioassay) phase. This dual approach strengthens the credibility of the outcomes, showcasing the real-world applicability of the findings.
  4. Support for Feed Mitigants:
    • The research serves as additional justification for the use of feed mitigants in preventing PRRSV transmission, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures in the industry.
  5. Event Frequency Insights:
    • While shedding light on new aspects of transmission, the study refrains from predicting the frequency of this event, allowing for a nuanced understanding without making speculative claims.