MSP[RS]® Resistant Starch has a prebiotic effect for digestive health.

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MSP[RS]® Resistant Starch has a prebiotic effect for digestive health.

MSP[RS] Resistant Starch is a cost effective solution for improving gut health in piglets, reducing scours by creating an unfavorable environment for pathogens to take hold. This supplement comes in a powder form that is easy to distribute and can be used effectively in piglets through all life stages – starting day one, in the farrowing crate.  MSP[RS] Resistant Starch has a prebiotic effect that helps piglets at critical times from birth onward.  It’s an ideal solution for digestive health maintenance and scour treatment.

“It is well understood that the large intestine provides a chamber for the final phase of digestion in the pig.  Results have suggested that certain Short Chain Fatty Acids [SCFA] such as butyrate correlate with healthier digestion.  MSP[RS]® Resistant Starch is a proven Resistant Starch that provides this higher level of butyrate production.  MSP[RS] achieves the greater concentration of butyrate by beneficial microbial fermentation in the large intestine.  Butyrate has been shown to significantly reduce gut inflammation and incite a feeling of satiation (fullness and well-being) thus reducing stress in the animal.”