Genesus Global Market Report France July 2022

Genesus Global Market Report  France

July 2022

Philippe Mallétroit, Genesus Director for France

Hog Market

It was not until the end of June and the drop of more than 1 kilo of average weights in 3 consecutive weeks, thus confirming the decrease in livestock supply, to finally obtain significant price increases at Marché du Porc Breton (hog market in France). At the end of June, the hog market price was at its highest level since 2002. Since the end of June, the market price has continued to rise to reach 1.867 € per kg carcass at the last market on Monday, July 25. Nevertheless, profitability is not achieved for many producers due to increased production costs, especially feed costs. This is why for many months in France, as in Europe, the production decreases.

The meat market is still well supplied as a result of runaway inflation, slow export sales, and changes in consumption habits, particularly since the Covid pandemic.

In a similar situation last week, low hog supply corresponds to slow trade, slowed down by high inflation, among other things. Moreover, the recent heatwaves have both delayed the marketing of pigs (lower growth rate) and reduced the consumption of certain meat products not adapted to these high temperatures.

2022 Harvest

Except for a few regions (North and East), the harvest is almost over in France.
This year, the harvest will end two weeks early, which is historic in some regions. Protein rates are pretty good (average at 11.9 % for common wheat for example), and will be an asset for the animal feed sector. The yields are rather good but very heterogeneous from one farm to another except for spring barley. Many agree that this will be a good year for rapeseed with good yields.

SPACE 2022

SPACE, the international livestock exhibition will be held this year from 13 to 15 September in Rennes, France. The exhibition will celebrate this year its 35 years.

On this occasion, Genesus will hold a booth (booth C38 – Hall 8). Come and meet us !

Source : Marché du Porc Breton, Terre-net