Triumph Foods proudly congratulates former Chief Administrative Officer Patt Lilly on his recent induction into the Buchanan County Ag Hall of Fame. This honor recognizes farming and agribusiness leaders who have made outstanding contributions to the local economy. Lilly was honored at the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce’s 20th annual Farm City Breakfast.
“For more than 30 years, Patt Lilly has been a major voice in strengthening our community through economic development, public-private partnerships and improving quality of life,” said Triumph Foods President and Chief Executive Officer Matt England. “Patt was instrumental in bringing Triumph Foods to St. Joseph, which has since become a leading business, both locally and within our industry.”
A Triumph Foods executive from 2006 to 2013, Lilly previously served as St. Joseph’s City Manager and Chamber President before he came to Triumph Foods. As Triumph’s Chief Administrative Officer, Lilly gained a new perspective of agribusiness working in the Stockyards Industrial Park. In 2013, Lilly returned to the Chamber and continued working to strengthen and advocate for Buchanan County’s economy.
“Although Patt retired in 2022, all of us in St. Joseph benefit from his continued engagement with leaders across Northwest Missouri,” England said. “His vision, expertise and counsel have left a lasting impact on our community. The Triumph Foods team congratulates Patt on this honor.”