Premium Iowa Pork Unveils Ambitious Plan for Windom Plant Revitalization

Premium Iowa Pork Unveils Ambitious Plan for Windom Plant Revitalization

In a recent announcement, Premium Iowa Pork (PIP) shared exciting news about the reopening of its plant in Windom, aiming for early 2024. Dan Paquin, PIP’s CEO, outlined the ongoing phase two of their strategic efforts, which involves a comprehensive remodeling initiative set to conclude in the second quarter of the upcoming year.

The initial phase involved PIP’s acquisition and assessment of the plant, purchased in June during a bankruptcy sale after the previous owner, HyLife, faced financial challenges. Paquin emphasized that the current focus is on modernizing the facility, with a dedicated effort to implement design and operational upgrades tailored to meet the requirements of a state-of-the-art hog processing space.

As part of the ongoing transformation, PIP has already initiated the removal of outdated equipment and infrastructure, a crucial step in the journey toward reopening the facility under the distinguished Premium Iowa Pork brand.

Windom City Administrator Steve Nasby expressed enthusiasm for the news, stating, “Premium Iowa Pork’s announcement is welcome news for Windom, and the city eagerly anticipates collaborating with them to revitalize the facility, restore production, and bring job opportunities back to the community.”

For a more in-depth look at this development, refer to the Nov. 1 edition of the Citizen.