NPPC Engages in NAFB’s ‘Washington Watch’ to Address Key Agricultural Issues

NPPC Engages in NAFB’s ‘Washington Watch’ to Address Key Agricultural Issues

This week, NPPC President Lori Stevermer, alongside several NPPC staff members, participated in the National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s (NAFB) annual “Washington Watch” forum in Washington, D.C.

Stevermer was joined by Chase Adams, Christina Banoub, Dr. Trachelle Carr, and Dr. Ashley Johnson, discussing critical topics in 20 radio interviews reaching over 2,500 network affiliates across 17 states. These discussions covered:

  • Legislative solutions for California’s Proposition 12.
  • Reauthorization of programs to prevent and prepare for foreign animal diseases through the next farm bill.
  • Addressing the farm labor shortage and reforming visas to support animal agriculture.
  • Advocating for comprehensive trade agreements to eliminate barriers to U.S. pork.

NAFB’s “Washington Watch” serves as a vital platform connecting agriculture broadcasters and industry leaders to address pressing issues affecting U.S. farmers. Farm broadcasters play a crucial role as trusted sources, facilitating communication within the agricultural community and portraying the essence of America’s food, feed, fiber, and fuel system.