JBS Louisville Team Honored with Worker Safety Recognition Award from Meat Institute in 2023

In a significant acknowledgment of its commitment to workplace safety, the JBS team in Louisville, KY, is thrilled to announce their receipt of the prestigious 2023 Worker Safety Recognition Award from the Meat Institute. This accolade is part of a broader initiative aimed at fostering safer working environments across the industry, with the JBS Louisville facility standing out among the 187 facilities that participated in this year’s program.

Jorge Heredia, the Safety and Occupational Health Manager at JBS Louisville, emphasized the team’s dedication to enhancing safety measures. “We are all committed to creating a safer workplace for our team members,” Heredia said. “The team has been doing their part to contribute to this recent success, which has not only improved our operations but also ensured that our workforce goes home safely every day.”

The Meat Institute’s Worker Safety Recognition Award is a part of an annual safety award program that recognizes meat and poultry plants that have achieved high standards of safety performance. To be eligible for the award, facilities undergo a rigorous selection process that includes evaluation of their incident records, implementation of effective health and safety management practices, and their overall commitment to operational excellence in safety.

The JBS Louisville facility’s achievement is notable, being one of only 24 facilities to receive recognition this year. This award not only highlights the team’s ongoing efforts to prioritize safety but also sets a benchmark for other facilities aiming to improve their safety standards.

“We continue to focus on proactive safety measures and training that empower our employees to manage their safety and that of their co-workers,” Heredia added. The recognition by the Meat Institute validates these efforts and serves as a motivation for other companies within the industry to follow in JBS Louisville’s footsteps.

This recognition not only underscores JBS Louisville team’s leadership in safety but also contributes to the broader industry goal of reducing workplace injuries and creating healthier work environments. It’s a testament to the fact that safety, when prioritized, leads to operational excellence and a stronger, more committed workforce.

Congratulations to the JBS Louisville team for setting a sterling example of what dedication to safety and teamwork can achieve within the meat processing industry.