Colorado Pork Producers Annual Meeting Set for June 25 Event to Take Place in La Junta, Colorado

The Colorado Pork Producers Council (CPPC) will hold its annual meeting on June 25, 2024, at the Valley Trading Post Event Center, located at 23056 US 350, La Junta, Colorado. The event will start at 4:00 PM with a business meeting, including the election of board members and Pork Act Delegates. The program and meal will follow at 5:30 PM.

All pork producers, veterinarians, extension agents, leaders involved in swine projects, students, educators, youth, and other interested parties are invited to attend.

Event Highlights:

  • Election of new board members
  • Election of 2025 Pork Act Delegates
  • Educational programming focused on:
    • Foreign animal disease preparation
    • Pork quality assurance certification
    • Updates on industry challenges and successes

Special Features:

  • Door prizes
  • Takeaways for attendees

Youth and youth workers are highly encouraged to attend. Those interested in serving as a board member should inform CPPC management to learn about service expectations. Proof of payment of check-off fees is required to run and vote in the Pork Act Delegate election.

RSVP Information: Please RSVP by June 20, 2024, at 5:00 PM. For more details, contact the Colorado Pork Producers Council at:

  • Address: PO Box 116, Lucerne, CO 80631
  • Phone: (970) 356-4964
  • Email: