Brazilian Pork Exports Surge by 11.7% in January 2024 – ABPA Reports Strong International Demand

Recent surveys conducted by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) reveal robust growth in Brazilian pork exports, with January figures exceeding expectations. The sector witnessed a remarkable 11.7% increase in volume compared to the same period last year, reaching a total of 99.6 thousand tons.

Despite this notable growth, international sales revenue slightly dipped by 6.3%, totaling US$199 million in January 2024. China, as Brazil’s largest pork importer, experienced a decrease of 44.6%, importing 23,100 tons. However, other nations contributed positively to the overall surge, with the Philippines leading the way with a remarkable 241.3% increase, followed by Chile, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

In the ranking of top exporting states, Santa Catarina maintained its lead with 55.5 thousand tons, reflecting an 11% increase from January 2023. Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul also contributed to the impressive export figures.

Ricardo Santin, the president of ABPA, noted, “There is a diversification in pork export destinations, with the establishment of greater demand in certain Asian nations. This month, we also saw countries in the Americas, such as Chile and the United States, reinforce their purchases.”

CHICKEN MEAT – Additionally, data from ABPA indicates that chicken meat exports totaled 404.9 thousand tons in January, a 3.8% decrease from the same period in 2023. The export revenue reached US$683.6 million, marking a 20.2% decline compared to January 2023.

The leading export destinations for chicken meat included Japan, the United Arab Emirates, China, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. Paraná retained its position as the top exporting state, followed by Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, and Goiás.

Luís Rua, ABPA’s markets director, commented, “The monthly flow of exports remains above 400 thousand tons, within expectations for the first month of the year. Despite the complex situation surrounding the Red Sea, the nations of the Middle East remain in the spotlight, with significant increases in imports.”

This positive trend in both pork and chicken exports highlights Brazil’s strong position in the global meat market, with continuous efforts to meet the evolving demands of international consumers.