2023 World Mega Producer – Vall Companys

Left to right: Manolo Garcia, Institutional Representative Pork Division, Vall Companys and Jim Long, President-CEO, Genesus Inc.

The Vall Companys Agrifood Group has been producing food for human consumption since 1956. We use research and applied technologies to achieve a healthier, more ethical, and more sustainable agri-food industry: guaranteeing quality and safety at every step and promoting the development of our people and the communities in which we operate; particularly in rural areas. Vall Companys Agrifood Group is a family-owned corporation with 12.000 employees and 2.600 partner farms of sows, pigs, hens, and chickens. The corporation overcame 3010 million euros of turnover.

The livestock production unleashes to 260,000 sows, almost 6 million pigs and 481 thousand tonnes in the pork division; and 153 million chickens and 355 thousand tones in the poultry division. Aswell, it produces 536 thousand tonnes of bread flour. The company is the first pork producer in Spain and in Europe, the first poultry producer in Spain, the first feed producer, and the second Bread flour producer in the country. The company exports to 150 countries.

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