Biosecurity: The Simple Things, are the Important Things

Implementing a biosecurity plan on your operation should be a priority and is critical to keeping your herd healthy. Pork Checkoff-funded research continues to be conducted on how to mitigate risk on farms across the country.

Biosecurity is a priority for the industry and NPB has funded research and provided tools and resources in order to protect farms from endemic diseases, as well as foreign animal diseases. Research conducted with the Swine Health Information Center about the risk of trucks entering a farm is an example of Pork Checkoff-funded research.

Producers are advised to work with their veterinarians to mitigate risks of contamination and create a biosecurity plan that best fits your operation.

During the South Dakota Pork Congress, Dr. Dusty Oedekoven, NPB chief veterinarian; Dr. Anna Forseth, NPPC director of animal health and Dr. Beth Thompson, South Dakota state veterinarian, discussed the ongoing research and the importance of creating a plan.

Oedekoven said, “how can we expect the practice of biosecurity to prevent transboundary or foreign animal disease if our biosecurity measures aren’t up to the task of preventing endemic diseases like PEDv, PRRS or APP?”

Doing the simple things like creating biosecurity plans will be the most important thing you can do for and on your operation.

Get Started Today: Follow the 7 steps outlined in the Secure Pork Supply biosecurity plan.