In pork production, compensation trends don’t always align with common expectations. A clear example of this can be observed in our recent salary survey which brings to light a surprising discovery: Small pork producers, in some instances, offer better salaries to veterinarians than their larger counterparts.
We analyzed responses from 25 US-based veterinarians, and our findings suggest that company size doesn’t necessarily impact the earning potential of these professionals. Interestingly, small producers are seen to compensate as well, if not better than the larger ones, challenging the common notion that larger organizations invariably provide higher remuneration.
Among the solo contributors who do not have direct reports, their base salaries varied across the spectrum. In this diverse group, we found a veterinarian earning between $70K-$80K and another commanding over $190K. This considerable variation points to the conclusion that a multitude of factors could be at play when it comes to salary determination.
It could be that smaller producers value the critical role veterinarians play in maintaining animal health and productivity, and therefore are willing to invest more in these professionals. On the other hand, larger producers, with extensive operations, might have a wider array of costs and priorities that could influence their salary offerings.
Whatever the reason, this revelation emphasizes the importance of considering a variety of factors when evaluating job opportunities, such as the size of the organization, work culture, responsibilities, location, and scope for personal and professional growth.
In conclusion, as we delve deeper into the intricacies of the pork production industry, this salary survey continues to provide surprising and valuable insights that help shape our understanding of this vital sector.
Get your own copy of our recent swine live production salary survey HERE.
About the Author
Maria Codilla is the Practice Manager for poultry and swine production/processing at Continental Search, a leading recruiting team in the animal sciences. She is a NAPS Certified Personnel Consultant and has the latest opportunities for swine farm managers, nutritionists, geneticists, veterinarians, and poultry processing professionals.
For the latest job opportunities, book a call with Maria or connect with Maria on LinkedIn. You may also email her at maria@continentalsearch.com.