Well, September is upon us. All you hear from others is “where did the summer go?” I feel the same way. Have I been cheated or am I too oblivious to understand how fast time goes by? Probably a little of both. But I have resigned to the fact that I will enjoy every day during this early fall season as I feel it’s the more enjoyable time of the year.
Corn crop still looks miserable. Yes, there are spots that look good, but so many of the stalks are pale green/yellow with measly corn cobs hanging. Soybeans look better, but they are short. Traveling through the countryside today, some of the soybeans are starting to turn and my guess is they were planted early, but many of the fields are still green as grass, like ours.
We sold the last pigs from our second site today. We will not have any pigs going to market until probably December. All we hope and pray for are healthy pigs. We vaccinated about 2000 of them earlier this week with the thought this will help their health.
Country Living
We had some visitors a couple days ago. This “family” has been visiting all the neighbors. This day was our day. I simply smiled.
All We Are Is Dust In The Wind
A little off topic but the lyrics to Dust in the Wind by Kansas had me thinking. Is that all we are? Dust in the Wind? Some days it feels like it, but I would hope we have a little more significance than that. But maybe it’s just my ego thinking we are more.
I feel God has more plans for us than dust. But with all the happenings lately, it really makes me wonder.
Kansas has always been a long time favorite of mine. In fact, I still have their “Point of No Return” LP in my storage container in the basement.

“The measure of who we are is what we do with the talents God has given us.”
I have been wondering what my talents really are. Are they what I think they are? Do you ever ask yourself this same question?
Are our talents what we like to do? I like to write and it feels it good. But what do I do with the talents? Do I write just for me? Do I write for others? Big question for God to reveal.
I pray often for God to direct me. To use me. I wonder if I am not listening or if I need more patience.
I know I need to keep telling myself to trust in God and he will lead the way. I need to pray that he will lead us. Just need to keep reminding myself of that.
Relax. Trust. Pray.
And I will leave you with this video. May you find peace as I found peace watching the mother goose and her young.
Until next time! Enjoy the Fall season!