Abstract: Characterization of Two Porcine Parainfluenza Virus 1 Isolates and Human Parainfluenza Virus 1 Infection in Weaned Nursery Pigs
Porcine parainfluenza virus 1 (PPIV1) is a newly characterized porcine respiratory virus. Recent experimental challenge studies in three-week-old nursery pigs failed...
By I. Heinzl and S. Regragui Mazili
In contrast to humans, piglets do not receive any maternal immunoglobulins via the placenta. It is therefore of vital importance for these young animals to receive maternal antibodies via the colostrum as soon...
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H.H. Stein, Division of Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Mineral nutrition in pigs has evolved significantly due to recent research, particularly with the understanding of endogenous losses of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P)...
Preweaning pigs
This is a recent publication from the Torremorell’s lab refining the use of udder wipes to detect influenza in preweaning pigs. It is available in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation.
Key points
Pooling of three, five, and ten...
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Dietary phosphorus concentration greatly affects pig’s growth performance, environmental impact and diet cost. A total of 1080pigs (initially 5.9±1.08 kg) from three commercial research rooms were used to determine the effects of increasing standardizedtotal tract digestible...
Pharmacological levels of Zn (i.e., 2,000 to 3,000 mg/kg) is often included in diets for weanling pigs to prevent post-weaning diarrhea. However, pharmacological levels of Zn may reduce microbial phytase efficacy by chelating the phytate molecule, which subsequently prevents...
By Joe Loughmiller, PhD Phileo by Lesaffre
Background: Crop production, harvest and storage improvements have reduced the amount and number of mycotoxins in feed grains. Even with these improvements, data suggests that mycotoxins remain a significant problem for livestock producers....
What if a PCR test could give us some information regarding the viability of the pathogen targeted? This new publication from the MycoLab led by Dr.s Albert Canturri and Maria Pieters, is sharing the development of a new mRNA-PCR...
The porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) epidemic in 2013 – 2014 caused high morbidity and mortality for hog farmers throughout North America. Animal feed was identified at that time as a risk factor and one of the potential vehicles...
Estimating hot conditions affecting pigs raised inside buildings and making modifications to reduce the risk of heat stress.
Importance of the Thermal Neutral Zone
Every so often, we are shown that "everything old is new again.” Known for his outstanding research,...