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A recent technical paper by Acosta et al., presented at the AFST conference in July 2024, explores the impacts of xylanase supplementation in the diets of sows. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois, delves into...
Download the Full Report Funded By National Pork Board Immediately following weaning, pigs must adapt to multiple stressors such as transportation, handling, litter mixing, crowding, and delayed access to feed and water. Antibiotics have traditionally been used to help combat the negative...
Abstract The primary aim of this article is to provide an overview of several selected skin conditions in livestock species. Topics include ectoparasites in alpacas, antler velvet in reindeer, immune-mediated disease in goats, ectoparasites in pigs, Culicoides allergic dermatitis and...
Abstract Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE), digestible energy (DE), and metabolizable energy (ME) in pistachio shell powder are not different from those in soybean hulls when fed...
Abstract The gut microbiome has long been known to play fundamentally important roles in the animal health and the well-being of its host. As such, the establishment and maintenance of a beneficial gut microbiota early in life is crucial in...
Abstract: Swine-to-Ferret Transmission of Antigenically Drifted Contemporary Swine H3N2 Influenza A Virus Is an Indicator of Zoonotic Risk to Humans Human-to-swine transmission of influenza A (H3N2) virus occurs repeatedly and plays a critical role in swine influenza A virus (IAV)...
Abstract Daily water use and wastage patterns of pigs have major effects on the efficacy of in-water antimicrobial dosing events when conducted for metaphylaxis or to treat clinical disease. However, daily water use and wastage patterns of pigs are not...
The overall objective of this endeavor was to develop and apply new tools and algorithms to swine diagnostic data as a means for enhancing the existing systems of monitoring the health of Iowa and US swine. The number of porcine...
Abstract With advancements in research and the necessity of improving the performance of bioelectrochemical system (BES), coupling anaerobic digestion (AD) with BES is crucial for energy gain from wastewater and bioremediation. Hybridization of BES-AD concept opens new avenues for pollutant...
Breakfast cereals are usually consumed with milk as a breakfast meal. To meet requirements for amino acids (AA), higher quality proteins are needed to complement the protein in cereals to provide a meal that is adequate in all indispensable...
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