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Farm Updates Christmas has passed, and the New Year is only a few days away. Many, including mine, spend time with family during this Christmas season. It truly is a special time of year and one I cherish. But ....
In pigs, the testicle initially develops within the abdomen. Prior to birth the testicle descends via the inguinal canal into the scrotum. If the testicle fails to descend the pig is described as a cryptorchid pig or retained testicle...
If you would like to receive more information on the commodity markets, please use the link to join our email list  - Sign Up Now                                                                                         February Lean Hogs opened higher and broke down to the session low at 83.675....
If you would like to receive more information on the commodity markets, please use the link to join our email list – Sign Up Now For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...
How to keep baby pigs alive while making them bulletproof Dr. Larry Coleman, veterinarian, spoke to attendees at the Annual Four Star Pork Industry Conference held in Muncie, Indiana in September 2024. His message focused on the four key steps...
If you would like to receive more information on the commodity markets, please use the link to join our email list – Sign Up Now For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...
Following the discovery of the H5N1 influenza virus in dairy cattle in March, the University of Minnesota Extension, working with virus specialists from the College of Veterinary Medicine, put together a small H5 virus working group to monitor the...
The three primary nutrients pigs need to thrive are water, feed, and air. Proper ventilation is important because it reduces gaseous buildup, removes excessive moisture or humidity, and maintains ideal thermal neutral zones. Traditionally, swine facilities were equipped with a...
By Chris Elvidge, PigTek Ventilation systems in swine production have come a long way from basic airflow management to sophisticated technologies that play a crucial role in optimizing swine health, productivity, and overall barn efficiency. As demands on producers increase...
If you would like to receive more information on the commodity markets, please use the link to join our email list – Sign Up Now For those interested I hold a weekly livestock webinar on Tuesdays and my next webinar...
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