Introduction: Energy is a primary component of swine diets, contributing to growth, maintenance, reproduction, and lactation. Optimizing energy levels in feed formulations is essential for improving production efficiency while maintaining animal health. This technical paper examines the role of...
The overall objective of this endeavor was to develop and apply new tools and algorithms to swine diagnostic data as a means for enhancing the existing systems of monitoring the health of Iowa and US swine.
The number of porcine...
Enteric bacterial infections, like swine dysentery, salmonellosis, and ileitis can be isolated from most swine herds. In fact, a pork producer can find such bacteria almost anywhere in a pig barn by collecting a fecal sample and having it...
Nutrients in agricultural runoff may cause offsite environmental impacts. The objective of this investigation was to examine nutrient transport by overland sheet flow on sites containing swine slurry. Data examined in this study was collected during field rainfall simulation...
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The objectives were to determine the sensitivity, specificity, and cutoff values of a visual-based precision livestock technology (NUtrack), and determine the sensitivity and specificity of sickness score data collected with the live observation by trained human observers. At...
A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Biological Sciences, Under the Supervision of Professor Daniel Ciobanu. Lincoln, Nebraska:...
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Industry Summary: Swine production and manure management and storage have been implicated asa major and increasing source of ammonia (NH3) emissions in North Carolina, with increasing environmental impact. Further, reports have stated that ammonium (NH4+) deposition,...
The intestinal microbiota is defined as a complex community of microorganisms of various species living in the digestive tract of animals. They represent the largest reservoir of mutual microorganisms. They interact with each other, with the external environment, and...
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary lactose alone or in combination with dried milk-yeast product on growth performance, gastrointestinal microbiota, and immune parameters in weanling pigs. Pigs fed lactose and lactose with milk-yeast tended (P...
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Dr. Joe Loughmiller
North American Swine Technical Services, Phileo by Lesaffre
New research from Phileo by Lesaffre continues to demonstrate the practical benefits of feeding ActiSaf HR+ to brood sows. This work follows results shared last year that...