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Farmscape for November 29, 2021 Full Interview 5:28 Listen Research conducted on behalf of the Swine Health Information will help set the stage for more reliable detection of disease-causing viruses in feed. As part of research conducted on behalf of...
Chicago Mercantile Exchange lean hog futures ended lower on Thursday, retreating near the close on technical selling and soft cash hog markets, traders said. The CME’s lean hog index, a two-day weighted average of cash hog prices, fell 0.51 cent...
A new high-oil corn product offers greater amino acid and energy digestibility in growing pigs, according to new research from the University of Illinois. “This corn has a higher oil concentration – almost 9% – and more protein, a little...
Farmscape for October 22, 2021 Full Interview 10:20 Listen The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center says the possible introduction of a foreign animal disease through feed remains a top-of-mind concern for the pork sector. A just completed...
Bloomberg’s Mike Dorning reported last week that, “The U.S. Department of Agriculture has potentially found a vaccine to combat African Swine Fever , a disease that devastated hog herds in China and was recently detected in the Dominican Republic...
The USDA's Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report shows signs of further contraction as producers seek to boost profitability, even as the industry tries to meet strong demand expectations. On September 1st, the total U.S. inventory was 75.352 million head, down...
In its monthly Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report last week, USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) stated that, “Pork exports in July were 508 million pounds, 8.5 percent lower than those of a year ago. Higher exports to most major...
Genesus Global Market Report USA, August 2021 - Feed Conversion Allan Bentley, Sales, Genesus Genetics Inc. I had a conversation with a producer that uses a different genetics company. We started discussing his death loss in finishing and he admitted that in...
Whey, which is a co-product from dairy processing plants that extract fat and protein from milk to make cheese, has been used in diets fed to weanling pigs as a source of lactose. Whey powder does not contain much...
Phytic acid is the main storage of P in plants, and most P in plant feed ingredients is bound in the phytate complex. Because pigs do not secrete phytase, an enzyme to hydrolyze inositol bonds in phytate, the utilization...
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