Happy 2025! I am very excited as Prairie Hog Country is now entering its 29th year. Thanks so very much for your continued support, encouragement, readership and financial support through advertising which enables me to print and mail out every edition six times per year.
Very happy to pass along that the core section of the February/March edition of Prairie Hog Country was uploaded to the press earlier this week. The complete 60 page issue will be in the hands of Canada Post next week to be released by Friday, at which time the online updates will be completed as well.
This issue has lots of follow-up coverage from the recent Banff Pork Seminar, which had 798 registered attendees this year. It was great to see so many familiar faces from the hog sector and meet some new peeps too. It was a very solid line up of speakers and sessions, as BPS once again offered a great opportunity to gain knowledge and updates on all aspects for the hog industry. Including coverage on some extra meetings that took place in Banff such as updates on Swine Innovation Porcs research projects, an announcement extending a 5-year term welcoming more funding. The final closing session, while not related to pork was a wonderful message, from Tyler Smith Humboldt Broncos survivor. His engaging way of sharing his story is a tribute for everyone to ask for help, there is no shame in admitting you need assistance of any kind. I had the pleasure of chatting with Tyler and Kat before he spoke, what an amazing young man. He too is from Leduc Alberta, now residing in Calgary.
In addition preparation of pig code updates, trade challenges & upcoming potential tariffs, leadership challenges, PQA celebrating charity and outstanding quality, group sow housing options, meeting Mangalitsa pigs and so so much more.
Thanks so very much for your continued support.
Laurie Brandly
Publisher, Prairie Hog Country